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If you are planning to put your favorite photos in a frame, knowledge on the right picture frame sizes is veryPicture Frames important. Aside from saving you from the trouble of purchasing the wrong picture size, it also helps you make your picture look better. Putting pictures in frames has been an age-old tradition. The action is usually done to honor the memory of people close to you. Framing photographs is also done to cherish precious moments in the past such as a family reunion or a wedding.
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Photo picture frames also add more aesthetic value to ordinary photographs. The advent of digital technology has opened many possibilities in framing photographs. Aside from the regular display platform that we used to see in various locations of our homes, many companies have developed various twists on the common picture frame. The digital picture frame, for instance, can display many photographs in sequence. There are also those that are built with a remote control mechanism so users can control its function remotely. In fact, there is a whole lot more improvement that consumers can enjoy in the near future. However, understanding the basics of picture frame sizes is as important as getting in tune with the latest picture frame innovations.
The first thing that you should know is that picture frame sizes are usually grouped into standard and non-Picture Framestandard sizes. For standard size picture frames, the most common dimensions are 5x7 and 8x10. Picture frames with these dimensions can be commonly seen on a typical household. Most printed photograph size fits a standard picture frame size. It is important to take note that when we speak of typical picture frame sizes, we are referring to its inner dimensions and not its outer frame outline. In the US, picture frame sizes are measured via the English system as opposed to the metric system that is commonly favored in Europe. American picture frame manufacturers always describe their picture frame sizes as “width by height”.
There are two important things that you should know in choosing the correct picture frame size. First off, you should consider the exact size or dimension of the photograph that you wish to put in the frame. Next, you must decide on how you would display your picture frame.
The first consideration in choosing the right picture frame size pertains to the exact photograph size that a particular picture frame can hold. In determining this, you should measure a picture frame’s interior area. To bePicture Frame more accurate, you can remove the frame backing of the picture frame. You have to open it up and check the ledge that holds the photo inside. The trick here is to measure the glass in order to get the exact size that would suit your photograph.
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The next consideration is, to decide on the manner that you wish to display the frame. It is important to know this because some pictures can only be displayed in one direction. Simply check the mounting at the back of the frame to find out. This basic knowledge in determining the correct picture frame sizes will come in very handy the next time you frame a particular photograph.
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