Professional and cheap photo prints on canvas

Get Photos on Canvas at Cheap Prices


In earlier times, it was a common practice for people to decorate their walls with framed pictures. However, there has been a considerable change in the attitude of people and the technology available since then. At present most people make use of canvas prints in place of other wall hangings. This is primarily because traditional wooden paintings don’t last for longer periods; additionally the easy availability and high quality of cheap canvas prints has made people opt for it. Thus the demand for cheap canvas art prints is increasing by the day.

Technological advances have also helped to reduce the cost to print pictures to canvas. Introduction of digital printing machines is one such example. Also, with the availability of internet connectivity, people are not far away from a website that offers good quality and low cost canvas prints.

However a few precautions must be adopted while choosing a website for your artistic needs, since a reduction in price could be due to inferior quality canvas material used to print photos on canvas cheaply. Once you are thorough with quality assurance of the website, your next step should be to check whether a particular website uses human editor or automated software for canvas printing.

Most websites require you to upload your images directly onto their servers. After this, they request you to provide the dimension of the canvas. When you place your order, the moderators check to ensure that the dimension that you requested is compatible with the dimension of the photo. This is a crucial thing because if the dimension of the image is incompatible with your requested canvas size, then the picture will look awkward.

This can only be detected by a well trained human editor. Automated software misses out minor details about images and hence they are inefficient. Some websites employ automated software to reduce cost. This is their way of offering cheap canvas prints.

Framing House is a leading photo to canvas printing website that has been trusted for quality by clients. Apart from quality, the speed with which print requests are processed is very high. Since all our projects are edited by well trained photo editors, you can be assured that your canvas print will reach you quickly and in great shape

Price List

8in x 12in - Rs 120
16in x 12in - Rs 180
20in x 16in - Rs 315

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